Sexual Disorders Unit

Erenköy Sexual Disorders Unit

To apply to the Erenköy Sexual Disorders Unit (SDU), first make an appointment with the general psychiatry polyclinics (via ALO 182 and After the assesment in the general psychiatry outpatient clinic, your doctor will refer you to our department. Following a thorough assesment of the SDU, the appropriate treatment option is determined.

Treatment of sexual dysfunctions such as sexual desire disorders, female sexual arousal disorders, erectile dysfunction, female orgasm disorders, early-premature ejaculation, late-inhibited ejaculation, vaginismus, dyspareunia-painful sexual intercourse and couple therapies are available in Erenköy Sexual Disorders Unit.

In Erenköy Sexual Disorders Unit, counseling, cognitive-behavioral sexual therapy, psychodynamic oriented sexual therapy, medicational therapies, individual psychotherapies, couple therapies and group therapies are applied in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions. Problem-oriented and time-limited treatment methods used in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions, using cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy techniques and psychodynamic-psychoanalytic psychotherapy techniques.

The duration of sexual therapies is not standard for each person or couple, but is between 8-12 sessions or 6 weeks to 3 months. Therapy may last for 1-2 years in some cases (depending on the type of sexual dysfunction, the presence of additional problems, etc.).