AMATEM Rehabilitation Polyclinic:
You can apply in the BAHAR Center building within the center campus of our Rehabilitation Polyclinic hospital during working hours (08.00-17.00) apply without appointment, you can make and appointment by calling or by calling the Central Physician Appointment System (MHRS) 182.
Rehabilitation polyclinic is an outpatient clinic where the applicants or referrals to the rehabilitation center are evaluated and the first interviews are made. At the same time, the medical follow-up of the members who are attending the current program at the BADEM Center is carried out in this polyclinic.
ADDRESS: 19 Mayıs, Sinan Ercan Street No: 29 Kazasker, 34736 Erenköy / Kadıköy / ISTANBUL
PHONE: +90 2016 302 59 59 Internal Line: 221