Alcohol and Drug Addiction Research, Treatment and Education Center (AMATEM)
Erenköy AMATEM is an outpatient or inpatient center for the treatment of people with alcohol / substance use disorder aged 18 years or older. Comprehensive counseling, treatment and rehabilitation services are provided for dependent patients in various districts of Erenköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital central campus and Anatolian Side.
Detailed information about the polyclinic services provided within the scope of AMATEM Polyclinic on the central campus of our hospital is given below:
AMATEM Inpatient Clinic
General AMATEM Polyclinic
Alcohol Polyclinic
Opioid Polyclinic
Other Drugs Polyclinic
Technology and Behavioral Addictions Polyclinic
Smoking Cessation Polyclinic
AMATEM Probation Polyclinic
AMATEM Psychotherapy Polyclinic
AMATEM Rehabilitation Polyclinic
AMATEM Infectious Diseases Polyclinic
Erenköy BAHAR (Rehabilitation for Addiction Patients)
Ümraniye DAN-TE (Addiction Counselling and Treatment Center)
Sancaktepe BADEM (Addiction Counselling and Education Center)