Hospitalization Procedure
1- After evaluating the findings and examination results in the emergency department or outpatient clinic, it can be decided that your patient should be treated as an inpatient. In this case, the sequence of actions you should follow is as follows:
2- When the doctor decides that the patient will receive inpatient treatment, he / she fills the “Admission Form’ issued by our hospital.
3- During the hospitalization process, the photocopy of the identity card of the patient is requested and the patient / his / her guardian or first degree relative signifies that he / she is willingly admitted to the hospital.
4- If the physician is going to admit the patient despite the unwillingness of the patient, ‘the Involuntary Admission Approval Form’ is read aloud and requested to sign the patient's relative.
5- Bağ-Kur, SSK, T.C Emekli Sandığı (Retirement Fund), Under 18 year old patients, Subject to the Law No. 2022 patients who are over 65 years of age during the hospitalization process of patients from the SGK must be authorized on the internet environment.
6- You must go to the service where the hospitalization process is completed with all completed admission form. Our policlinic and emergency department staff will help and guide you on how to reach the hospital.
7- The patient will be admitted by the medical secretary / service nurse.
8- Information such as the necessary items for the patient who is admitted to the service, visiting hours, and reaching by phone will be transferred to you by the service nurse.
9- If your patient is required to be admitted to hospital and you have decided to do so, it is helpful to bring the following items.
Pijamas, slippers,
Drugs used continuously
Books, magazines,
Photos of loved ones and / or family members
If there is a treatment with all the examinations done before, it will be beneficial to bring everything that is available to you.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the patient who comes for hospitalization does not have social security, he / she receives paid service from our hospital.
Payment is made to the paid cashier according to the deposit price list which is the package program according to the department.
Patients who do not have social security or payment status can be admitted to hospital after completing the relevant documents.
Inpatients should not have more than enough money, jewelery and valuables to meet their various needs during their stay in the institution. No responsibility is accepted for the loss of goods that have not been delivered to the authorities.
1- Patients who are over 16 years of age with acute psychiatric problems and patients with chronic psychiatric problems who have acute exacerbations are evaluated by a psychiatrist. The patient with the indication for hospitalization is hospitalized and treated according to the bed conditions in the wards.
2- Of these patients, those with a serious medical condition are referred to a general hospital with a psychiatric ward, where the medical condition can also be monitored and treated.
3- Patient admission to clinics is from emergency department or polyclinics. There is no other way to stay.
4- If a patient admitted to an emergency outpatient clinic or outpatient clinic is required to be admitted, but there is no available bed in the hospital, after the patient's emergency treatment and / or first intervention is made suitable for referral, the patient can be contacted with a suitable hospital that can continue the treatment and through the ambulance through the ambulance.
5- For unattended patients admitted to or admitted to our hospital, patient registration is made anonymously. Information is given to the social service about the “anonymous” patient who is hospitalized.
6- If the physician thinks that the patient should be hospitalized, but the patient's family wants to care for the patient by not investing the patient, he / she is asked to sign ‘Surety Form’ and explain it to the patient. The signed copy is kept in the patient file.
7- If the physician does not want the patient to admit the patient, the “Involuntary Admission Approval Form’ is read aloud and asked to sign the patient's relative.
8- Cases of pure personality disorder are evaluated for their benefit potential and hospitalized.
1- All patients who suit the characteristics of AMATEM clinic admission criteria determined by the clinic chief and chief physician can be admitted to AMATEM clinic from the AMATEM polyclinics and emergency department of our hospital voluntarily.
2- Patient admission to the clinic is from the emergency department or AMATEM polyclinics. There is no other way to stay.
3- Hospitalization from outpatient clinic is made according to appointment system. The patient's motivation and desire for treatment is essential and patients who want to be treated in-patient are accepted. Appointments are given as soon as possible according to the service availability and following from the appointment book. Patients are not admitted on Fridays. Patients who are given hospitalization appointments are registered in the appointment book at the policlinic.
4- Patients who are scheduled to be hospitalized must be present at the AMATEM policlinic room with the materials on the list of needs given to them on the day of appointment at 10.00 am.
5- Patients who were considered to be admitted to AMATEM Clinic from general polyclinics; should be advised to make an AMATEM outpatient appointment as early as possible. Consultation should be requested from the AMATEM clinic for patients who are considered to be admitted to the AMATEM from the emergency department. Patients who do not require emergency hospitalization should be advised to make an appointment.
6- Patients admitted for admission should be able to undertake their duties and responsibilities in the clinic.
7- There should be no problem (court, exam, work, bank, etc.) that would prevent the patient from completing the planned 3-week treatment program.
8- Friends, siblings, acquaintances and so on. persons should not be taken into service during the same treatment period.
1- Patients with neurological disorders over the age of seventeen (17) are evaluated by a neurologist. The patient with the indication for admission to the neurology clinic is hospitalized according to the bed condition in the clinic, provided that he / she is accompanied by a companion (if the patient's medical condition is suitable for hospitalization alone and the specialist approves).
2- Patient admission to clinics is from emergency department or polyclinics. There is no other way to stay.
3- If a patient applied to an emergency outpatient clinic or outpatient clinic is required to be admitted, but there is no empty bed in the hospital or accompanying the neurological condition and cannot be followed up in our hospital due to the limited facilities of the hospital, the patients who have serious medical illnesses after being carried out emergency treatment and / or first intervention in oder to make suitable for referring, 112 ambulance can be referred by obtaining consent from the authorized persons by contacting a suitable hospital that can continue the treatment.
4- If the physicians believe that the patient should be hospitalized, but the patient's relative wants to take care for the patient by not making him / her, he / she is asked to sign Surety Form to the patient's relatives. The signed copy is kept in the patient file.
5- Only the patients who want to receive care are not suitable for hospitalization.